Monday, July 21, 2008

What is up with my craft stores?

Lately I've been hitting walls with the craft stores. Hobby Lobby stopped carrying Bernat's Baby Boucle, which I used to knit baby blankets. I found a comparable alternative in their house label, Baby Bee Lambikins Baby Boucle, but it's still not the same. It's too even and not as soft. But, I make do with the Baby Bee. 

Then there's the cross-stitch issues. I love cross-stitch, especially the patterns of Lavender & Lace and Mirabilia. The problem is that most of the patterns require really pretty linen fabric that isn't carried by a large chain store. Okay, that's fine. I'm able to get it on E-bay. It's more expensive than Aida, but it's worth it in the end. I can manage. 

Now is the greatest injustice: Hancock Fabrics no longer carries DMC floss. On random Sundays, when I'm out of a certain color, I scraped together a dollar and bought another skein down the street. Well, now they have Sullivan's. The convenient thing about Sullivan's is that their labels say "Comparable to DMC (insert color here)". So, what's the problem? Well, it's only comparable. It's not the same.  I can't use Sullivan's on a current project. All of my charts are in DMC. Comparable means that it is mostly the same but not exactly the same. It could be a shade off. WHY? Why did they do this? It's decidedly inconvenient. 

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